Report Rally “Mourning Our Legislators’ Moral Failure & Demanding Action
Agencia ALPHA and COPAHNI (Confraternity of Hispanic Pastors of New England) along with the Safe Community Act Coalition rallied today at the State House to demonstrate our disappointment against the lack of leadership from the House of Representatives to support and pass amendments that would have protected our immigrant families.
During the rally Pastors and faith leaders prayed for our legislators to come out of their “political comfort zone” and to pass legislation that would protect the most vulnerable in our society. After that we visited all Representatives and delivered letters with black ribbons as a sign of mourning for lack of legislative support towards immigrants in our State.
Agencia ALPHA y COPHANI (Confraternidad de Pastores Hispanos de Nueva Inglaterra) junto con la Coalición del Safe Community Act hicieron acto de presencia en un rally en la Casa del Estado para demostrar nuestro desacuerdo hacia la falta de liderazgo de parte de los Representantes al no pasar las enmiendas que hubiesen protegido a nuestras familias migrantes.
Durante el rally Pastores y líderes de fe oraron porque nuestros legisladores “se salgan de su zona política de comodidad” y pasar pólizas que protejan a los más vulnerables de nuestra sociedad. Después visitamos a los Representantes y les dejamos cartas con listones negros como una señal de nuestro luto ante la falta de interés de parte de nuestros legisladores para pasar enmiendas que protejan a nuestras familias migrantes.
- Pastor Samuel Acevedo started the rally with a powerful prayer asking for forgiveness for our sins and calling our legislators to act with justice, love and mercy towards our community.
- Pastor Samuel Acevedo inicio el rally con una poderosa oración pidiendo perdón por nuestros pecados y haciendo un llamado a actuar con justicia, amar la misericordia y caminar con humildad.
- Pastor Sergio Perez closed the rally today. Please go the minute 11:25 to hear his words.
- Pastor Sergio Pérez cerrando el rally de hoy. Ir al minuto 11:25 para escuchar las palabras del Pastor Sergio Pérez.
- Liza Cagua-Coo Reading the message delivered to each Representative at the State House
- Liza Cagua-Coo leyendo el mensaje y entregando la carta a cada Oficina de los Representantes Estatales.
- Members of the coalition delivering a powerful message to each Representative at the State House.
- Miembros de la Coalición entregando un poderoso mensaje a cada uno de los Representantes de la Casa del Estado
Boston 25 News
Last Coffee Hour
Durante nuestra “Hora del Cafe” aprendimos a identificar los elementos de un crimen de odio versus incidentes motivados por el odio; como responder ante dichos eventos y los recursos comunitarios disponibles para toda persona que lo necesita. Agradecemos al equipo de la Liga de Anti-Difamación por compartir con nosotros.
Learning how identify the elements of a hate crime versus biased-motivated incidents; and learning how and when to respond such these events, and remembering that we are not alone. There are many organizations and good people like Anti Defamation League looking out for us.
Thank you Norman Abbott, Nora and Amy for educating and empowering us!!
Rally “Mourning Our Legislators’ Moral Failure & Demanding Action
Press Advisory – Vigil & Rally Mourning Our Legislatiors Moral Failure and Demanding Action
WHEN & WHERE: On Tuesday, July 24, on the 2nd floor of the State House at 12 noon.
Immigrant Unity Building Dialogue
Rally to protect our immigrant families!
Press Conference with Senador Markey
A collection of press from today that includes AP story published in San Antonio, TX, and Lexington, KY, and Charlotte, VA! I note NBC estimated there were 2,000 people at today’s event!
40 days of fasting and praying
40 Days of Fasting and Praying on behalf of our Immigrant Community (4/1/2018 to 5/10/2018)
Instrucciones para este ayuno y oración (1o de abril – 10 de mayo, 2018)
Estimado hermano(a),
Muchas gracias por considerar ser parte de este periodo de ayuno y oración a favor de nuestra comunidad inmigrante. Para ser parte de esta iniciativa, le invitamos a seguir los próximos 5 pasos:
- Obtenga un separador de libros y comprometerse a meditar sobre el versículo Bíblico del día. Fui-Extranjero-Bookmark-Spanish
- Orar y ayunar por las peticiones escritas en el panfleto de la campaña a “Los Inmigrantes Fortalecemos a esta nación”. Usted esta en libertad de escoger el tipo de ayuno y días que sean adecuados para usted. Click aqui para obtener el panfleto de peticiones en español.
- Sea parte de nuestra cadena de oración por 40 días de 1pm – 2pm. Puede ingresar y orar con el equipo ALPHA durante los minutos que pueda:
- Llamando al 1-218-844-1930 e ingresando el código 4476633. Por favor sepa que puede haber un recargo por los minutos usados de parte de su compañía de teléfono
- Déjenos saber que usted será parte de este tiempo de ayuno y oración haciendo “click” aquí. O llámenos al 617-522-6382 y déjenos su nombre y teléfono, así le podemos mantener informado(a) de los próximos acontecimientos.
- Después del periodo de ayuno y oración, comprométase a visitar con nosotros a los legisladores y compartirles que usted estuvo orando por ellos y a favor de la comunidad inmigrante. Cualquier persona puede ser parte de estas visitas, no importando su estatus migratorio. Gracias y bendiciones.
Instructions for this fasting and praying time (April 1st – May 10th, 2018)
Dear Brethren:
Thank you for considering taking part in this period of prayer and fasting on behalf of our immigrant community. To join us, we invite you to follow these 5 steps:
- Pick up a free bookmark and meditate on the daily Bible verse. I Was a Stranger Bookmark Evangelical English
- Pray and fast for the requests listed on the brochure “Immigrants Make America Strong.”Please click here to obtain a copy of the prayer petitions in English.
- Join our prayer group by phone, every day from 1pm – 2pm. To join:
- Call 1-218-844-1930 and enter code 4476633. (English speakers are also welcome).
- Let us know that you will be part of this period of prayer and fasting period by clicking here. Or call us at 617-522-6382 and leave your name and number.
- After the period is over, join us as we visit our legislators. There, you can share that you were praying for them and for the immigrant community. These visits are open to all people, regardless of immigration status. Thank you and blessings.
ADL event March 2018
The Anti-Defamation League celebrated its 10th annual “A Nation of Immigrants” Community Seder on March 5, 2017 at the UMASS Boston Campus. Agencia ALPHA was invited to be a part of this amazing event and what a privilege to be able to share with guests and volunteers about our own campaign “Immigrants Make America Strong”. Click to see and hear from dozens of immigrants and native-born individuals who shared powerful declarations about immigrants’ contributions to this nation. We were honored to have been visited by the Mayor of Cambridge, Marc C. McGovern and State Representative Juana Matias. Check out their videos! We are thankful to all who took the video challenge and participated in this effort.
A special shoutout to the Massachusetts Chapter of the Anti-Defamation League for a wonderful event and for allowing us to be part of this amazing experience!