ALPHA held another successful community resource clinic in Waltham this past Saturday. In this clinic 25 people received the COVID-19 vaccine, 3 received the flu shot, 13 people registered to receive free immigration consultations and 36 families received Market Basket cards. Our goal during this clinics is to bring a little bit of help to our community.
Agencia ALPHA tuvo otra clínica de recursos comunitarios en la ciudad de Waltham este sábado 22 de octubre. En esta clínica 25 personas recibieron la vacuna del COVID-19, 3 personas recibieron vacunas de la influenza y 13 personas se registraron para recibir consultas migratorias gratis y 36 familias recibieron tarjetas del Market Basket. Nuestro objetivo es traer un poquito de alivio a las familias de nuestra comunidad!