Agencia ALPHA suggest to try to stay calm while we face the announcements of raids taking place in our communities
It is true that there is an action from the Administration that has ordered ICE officers to perform some raids in some cities in the United States. Boston is not on the list but the fear among our community is palpable. In ALPHA we have received many phone calls asking us what to do in case someone is approached by ICE officers. Here is a list of suggestions ALPHA is sharing with our members, please share it among your contacts if you find it appropriate.
Based on what we know this action will seek people with:
- Previous deportation orders
- People who missed their hearing courts and
- People who have crossed the border recently.
Regardless of where you stand on this issue, we know that there are many good Christian undocumented people or church members who are afraid of this situation. We ask if you find it in your heart to pray for our immigrant community during this time, please do so.
The following is a message we have created for our community to be informed:
- Know Your Rights: Here are some videos created by ACLU that explain our rights as immigrants
We will be talking about this during our radio program today at 4:00 PM,
You can also download a “Know your rights” card by clicking here: here. It is available in different languages.
2. Have a Family Action Plan:Our friends from the MIRA Coalition suggested that here are some links where you can learn how to create a family action plan depending on your family situation:guides prepared by the Mass. Attorney General’s office (available in English, Spanish, Hattian Creole y Portuguese) also Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
3. If any of your family members/Friends is arrested by an ICE officer during this weekend, you can find legal help by calling at ACLU, 617-482-3170. Now if you need to know how to find that family member or friend, you can look at: you have any questions please send us a message in our Facebook, our web page or send us an email at you can also call us at 617-522-6382.
Isaiah 26:3 New International Version (NIV) 3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”